Minggu, 17 April 2011


Viking Indonesian Group
Siliwangi road no 10, Bandung


To : Purchasing Manager
From : General Manager

Please, buy some spiner machine for make a lot of yarn and buy it with reserve cash. Thank you.

39th March 2011

( Fahri Yuliansyah )


In our manufacture company have many factors which to influence make a product like :
– Spinner Machine
– Labor
– Material for producing
The function from spinner machine is :
– Make a lot of yarn
– Make easily for job
– Economical cost (efficiency)
– Economical time
– Faster than mannual

Exercise 36, page 135

1. Leave
2. Repaired
3. Typed
4. Call
5. Painted
6. Wrote
7. Lie
8. Sent
9. Cut
10. Sign
11. Leave
12. Washed
13. Fix
14. Published
15. Find

Exercise 35 : Passive Voice ( page 132 )

1.The present is called everyday
2.The other members is being called by John
3.The document to the department was delivered by Martha
4.The amendment have been repealed by the other members
5.The information had been received by the delegates before the recess
6.The supplies should be buy by the teacher for this class
7.Mr.Watson will be called tonight
8.A considerable damage has been caused by the fire
9.A new procedure was being developed by the company before the bankruptcy hearings began
10.The papers will have been received by John